Mindful Eating For Autoimmune

inflammation lifestyle stress weight loss Jul 24, 2024

In your fast-paced life, meals might be rushed and attention divided if you're working, volunteering, taking care of kids or your parents, as well as your own health. It's hard to be everything to everyone and as a result, what you eat may not always align with your healthiest of healthy eating plans or intention.

Mindful eating is one way you can help lower inflammation in the body. You do so when you slow dow, savour each bite and cultivate a deeper connection with your food, without guilt of not being perfect.

In this short article, I'm exploring the art of mindful eating – a transformative practice that nourishes both the body and the soul.

Here's why it matters:

1. Enhanced Awareness:

Mindful eating is about being present in the moment. By paying full attention to your eating experience, you become more aware of the flavours, textures, and aromas of your food. Think if it as a form of non-judgemental meditation that tastes good and fits into your schedule!

2. Improved Digestion & Health

When we eat in a relaxed and mindful state, our digestive system functions more efficiently. This can reduce issues like bloating and indigestion, promoting better overall absorption on nutrients which help you fight inflammation.

3. Weight Management:

Mindful eating encourages listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues. This intuitive approach can help prevent overeating and contribute to sustainable weight management.


Tips to Embrace Mindful Eating For Autoimmune

Now, let's explore practical strategies to infuse mindfulness into your meals and cultivate a healthier relationship with food

1. Engage Your Senses:

Before taking a bite, take a moment to appreciate the colours, smells, and textures of your food. Digestion begins when you see and sell food. Engaging your senses heightens the eating experience. It can help to take two deep breaths before you start eating, to help your mind become present with your meal.

2. Slow Down and Chew:

Savour each bite by chewing slowly and mindfully. This not only enhances the enjoyment of your meal but also aids in better digestion.

You see, the bulk of digestion actually happens in your mouth with mechanical digestion (chewing). Not only does this give your saliva time to break apart carbohydrates, the act of chewing increases surface matter so your stomach and intestines don't have to work as hard to break apart critical protein and healthy fats your body needs to fight inflammation and heal.

3. Eliminate Distractions:

If you're like most people, you probably eat breakfast as you're rushing out the door, lunch at your desk or meals while looking your phone or the TV. Instead, create a designated space for meals without distractions like phones or screens. This dedicated time allows you to focus solely on your food. 

4. Listen to Your Body:

Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied. This intuitive approach fosters a harmonious relationship with food.

However, with autoimmune, you also need to pay attention to the types of food you include on your plate. Your body may tell you it wants a cookie, but what it's really saying is that it needs a longer lasting energy source. Instead, include a protein, fat and plant food for each meal or snack, and listen to how your body evolves.

5. Rest And Digest Ritual:

As you shift from frantically making dinner for your hungry family or eating in between meetings at work, it's important to take a moment to shift from fight (gotta get this done now) to rest and digest so the food you're eating can do it's job and you don't experience unnecessary symptoms. 

For some people, expressing gratitude for your meal (grace) is a helpful ritual ... Taking time to reflect on the journey of your food from source to plate. This fosters a sense of appreciation for nourishment as gratitude is one of the highest and most positive emotions you can have.

For others, a simple reset can help more. I often recommend to our members in the Integrative Autoimmune Network to try one to two minutes of nose breathing as it is one of the fastest, easiest and proven ways to reset your nervous system. The action also helps "end" whatever you were doing previously and marks a new beginning for nourishment. 

Each day, choose one meal to eat mindfully, incorporating the tips shared. As you embrace mindful eating, may your meals become a source of joy, nourishment, and self-care. 


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